AvaliaÁªo da reduÁªo do Ìndice de placa visÌvel e do Ìndice de sangramento gengival em uma prÆtica de promoÁªo de saœde bucal com crianÁas Evaluation of the reduction of the visible plaque index and of the gum bleeding index in a program of oral health promotion for children

Jo ª o, Luiz Gurgel, Calvet da Silveira, ValØria de Oliveira,Wilton Wilney,Nascimento Padilha


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RESUMO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a reduÁªo de Ìndice de placa visÌvel (IPV) e Ìndice de sangramento gengi- val (ISG) em crianÁas atendidas em uma unidade do SUS do RJ. Foi utilizado o mØtodo de procedimento comparativo e estatÌstico (teste t atravØs do programa GMC) para verificar a variaÁªo entre as mØdias do IPV e do ISG iniciais (regis- trados no inÌcio do ciclo de atendimento) e finais (registrados logo apÛs as crianÁas terem participado de atividades promocionais de saœde com escovaÁªo supervisionada semanal, orientaÁªo de dieta individual e atividade educativa coletiva com a presenÁa do responsÆvel, bem como adequaÁªo do meio bucal e atendimento cirœrgico restaurador, num perÌodo mØdio de 6 meses). PopulaÁªo: dados referentes a um grupo de 42 crianÁas com uma mØdia de idade de 9 anos com 4 dentes afetados pela doenÁa cÆrie, em mØdia. Utilizou-se a tØcnica de documentaÁªo indireta atravØs de pesquisa documental. Resultados: IPV-inicial = 29% contra IPV-final = 11% e ISG-inicial = 13% contra ISG-final = 5%. As variaÁies encontradas foram estatisticamente significantes ao nÌvel de 1% pelo teste estatÌstico aplicado. O progra- ma de promoÁªo de saœde analisado mostrou-se eficaz em relaÁªo ao controle de placa, reduzindo o IPV a um nÌvel mais aceitÆvel. Embora o ISG tenha sofrido uma reduÁªo considerÆvel, a presenÁa de sangramento gengival no final do ciclo de atendimento requer uma melhor abordagem da motivaÁªo do paciente em realizar a higiene bucal rotineira- mente. UNITERMOS: Saœde bucal; CrianÁa; EscovaÁªo dentÆria. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the reduction of the VPI (visible plaque index) and of the GBI (gum bleeding index) in children seen at a unit of SUS, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. A comparative and statistical pro- cedure (t-test, by means of the GMC program) was employed in order to assess the variation between initial and final mean VPI and GBI values. Initial values were registered in the beginning of the assistance program, and final values were registered after the children had participated in health promotion activities, which included weekly supervised brushing sessions, individual dietary guidance, collective instructive activities in which parents were present, adjust- ing of the oral environment, as well as restorative and surgical dental care, during an average period of six months. The studied sample comprised fourty-two children, with an average age of nine years, who presented an average of four teeth affected by caries. The technique of indirect documentation, by means of documental research, was employed. The following results were obtained: initial VPI = 29%; final VPI = 11%; initial GBI = 13% and final GBI = 5%. The ob- served variations were statistically significant at the level of 1%, which was revealed by the applied statistical test. The program proved efficient as to plaque control, reducing VPI to a more acceptable level. Although GBI presented consid- erable reduction, the presence of bleeding at the end of the program calls for a better approach in motivating patients as to regular oral hygiene. UNITERMS: Oral health; Child; Tooth brushing.
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