
Creativity As the Main Factor for Organizations' Success: Theoretical Approach

European integration studies(2015)

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In recent decades drastic changes of economic activity conditions are observed. Global transformations and rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted in emergence of knowledge economy where the added value is created on the basis of knowledge. Due to this reason, business organisations operating under such conditions must increasingly focus on innovations and innovative processes which would guarantee them a competitive advantage. Companies which do not create innovations or at least do not introduce innovations in their activity, is quickly pushed out of today market.In the last century the creation of innovations was an accidental process. However today it is overwhelmingly a targeted activity. In today's society innovations are understood as vital for social and economic development. Innovations do not come up by themselves. Creativity is an important condition for innovations to occur. Although the concept of creativity is often used in both the scientific and public discourse, the boundaries of this concept are often unclear. Scientists emphasize the complexity and multidimensity of this concept.For some businesses, creativity is an important factor: clients in advertising agencies require a creative advertisement; architects, designers also often have to create an exclusive and unique creation. However, in other business areas creative thinking is not such a matter of course. Although the majority of world business organizations, while declaring the values, use such words as "innovations", "creativity", "new and smart thinking", in reality they remain only the statements of declarative nature. Therefore the main problematic question arises: how the creativity can contribute to the success of business organisations.The aim of this paper is to determine the directions of use of creativity in business organisations. In order to achieve this aim, the following objectives have been set: with reference to scientific literature to present evolution of the concept of creativity; to cristalyzed out contemporary concept of creativity; to identify the factors which encourage the development of creativity in organisations.The research method used: in-depth analysis of scientific literature, synthesis.The main results and conclusions of the article are: revealed the concept of creativity and its importance in nowadays organizations; constructed the model of factors which influence the expression of creativity in business organizations.
creativity,innovations,business organizations,model,factors
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