Adding Double Progressive Widening to Upper Confidence Trees to Cope with Uncertainty in Planning Problems


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Current state of the art methods in energy policy planning only approximate the problem (Linear Programming on a finite sample of scenarios, Dynamic Programming on an approximation of the problem, etc). Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS [3]) seems to be a potential candidate to converge to an exact solution of these problems ([2]). But how fast, and how do key parameters (double/simple progressive widening) influence the rate of convergence (or even the convergence itself), are still open questions. Also, MCTS completely ignores the features of the problem, including the scale of the objective function. In this paper, we present MCTS, and its extension to continuous/stochastic domains. We show that on problems with continuous action spaces and infinite support of random variables, the vanilla version of MCTS fails. We also show how the double progressive widening technique success[2] relies on its widening coefficient. We also study the impact of an unknown variance of the random variables, to see if it affects the optimal choice of the widening coefficients.
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