Chronic hypertrophic gastritis in a dog. Case report.


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The authors demonstrate the case of chronic hypertrophic gastritis found in the course of necropsy examination in a 13 year old, 12 kg, medium sized, mixed-breed male dog. In addition to the significant overgrowth of the stomach lining, cachexia and anaemia were also observed. Within the stomach giant folds were detected similar to the gyrus of the brain, characterised by a finely uneven, granular surface which cannot be smoothed out. They were also markedly flushed with minute bleeding and erosions. The width of the stomach lining was 15-58 mm (reference value 3-5 mm). in the course of the histopathological examination of the samples taken from the stomach, irregularly prolonged, tortuous propria glands were detected, some of which showed cystous broadening and congestion of mucus. Marked infiltration of lympho-plasmocytes, a moderate number of histiocytes, a small number of neutrophil and eosinophil granulocytes and inflammatory oedema were discerned among the enlarged, hyperplastic glands in the stroma. The other observations include: chronic eosinophil granulocytic inflammation in the small intestine, acute inflammation in the oesophagus, multifocal fibrosis and nodular hyperplasia in the pancreas, bilateral, atrioventricular degeneration of the heart valve, hypertrophy and focal fibrosis of the myocardium, chronic pyelonephritis in the kidneys, cystic hyperplasia and paraprostatic cysts in the prostate gland. During the microscopic examination of the samples taken from the stomach a moderate number of Warthin-Starry positive GHLO's were detected in the surface mucin and in the lumen of the enlarged glands.
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