
Standardized Glycemic Management with a Computerized Workflow and Decision Support System for Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Different Wards

Katharina M. Neubauer, Julia K. Mader, Bernhard Hoell,Felix Aberer, Klaus Donsa,Thomas Augustin,Lukas Schaupp,Stephan Spat,Peter Beck, Friedrich M. Fruhwald,Christian Schnedl, Alexander R. Rosenkranz, David B. Lumenta,Lars-Peter Kamolz,Johannes Plank, Thomas R. Pieber

Diabetes technology & therapeutics(2015)

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Background: This study investigated the efficacy, safety, and usability of standardized glycemic management by a computerized decision support system for non-critically ill hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes on four different wards.Materials and Methods: In this open, noncontrolled intervention study, glycemic management of 99 patients with type 2 diabetes (62% acute admissions; 41 females; age, 67 +/- 11 years; hemoglobin A1c, 65 +/- 21 mmol/mol; body mass index, 30.4 +/- 6.5 kg/m(2)) on clinical wards (Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery) of a tertiary-care hospital was guided by GlucoTab((R)) (Joanneum Research GmbH [Graz, Austria] and Medical University of Graz [Graz, Austria]), a mobile decision support system providing automated workflow support and suggestions for insulin dosing to nurses and physicians.Results: Adherence to insulin dosing suggestions was high (96.5% bolus, 96.7% basal). The primary outcome measure, percentage of blood glucose (BG) measurements in the range of 70-140 mg/dL, occurred in 50.2 +/- 22.2% of all measurements. The overall mean BG level was 154 +/- 35 mg/dL. BG measurements in the ranges of 60-70 mg/dL, 40-60 mg/dL, and <40 mg/dL occurred in 1.4%, 0.5%, and 0.0% of all measurements, respectively. A regression analysis showed that acute admission to the Cardiology Ward (+30 mg/dL) and preexisting home insulin therapy (+26 mg/dL) had the strongest impact on mean BG. Acute admission to other wards had minor effects (+4 mg/dL). Ninety-one percent of the healthcare professionals felt confident with GlucoTab, and 89% believed in its practicality and 80% in its ability to prevent medication errors.Conclusions: An efficacious, safe, and user-accepted implementation of GlucoTab was demonstrated. However, for optimized personalized patient care, further algorithm modifications are required.
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