
Relationship Between Creeping Discharge along Aerial Insulated Cable and Duration of Wave Front of Inductive Lightning Surge

Denki Gakkai rombunshi B, Denryoku, Enerugi Bumonshi/Denki Gakkai rombunshi B, Denryoku, Enerugī Bumonshi(2013)

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SUMMARY We report the results obtained on the developing characteristics of creeping discharges along the insulated cable surface under inductive lightning surge voltages with various durations of wave front. The aerial insulated cables, usually, are supported by the post insulator and the binding wire at the reinforced concrete pole. When a lightning strikes near by the aerial insulated cables, the overvoltage due to the inductive lightning surge invades to the central line of the cable. The creeping discharge can develop along the cable surface from the free end of the binding wire just after a flashover of the post insulator at the cable supporting point. This creeping discharge may give rise to the accidents such as a melting or snapping of the cable. An important subject to prevent these accidents is to clarify the characteristics of creeping discharge along the cable surface and the developing mechanism of discharges. In this study, the impulse voltages with various durations of wave front are applied to the central line of the wire as the inductive lightning surge. The length and aspect of positive and negative creeping discharges developing along the cable surface are measured using a still camera with an image intensifier, and the developing mechanisms of creeping discharges are discussed on the basis of the models which are proposed taking into account the obtained results.
aerial insulated wire,creeping discharge,lightning impulse,inductive lightning surge,duration of wave front
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