Laser Coupling To Reduced-Scale Hohlraum Targets At The Early Light Program Of The National Ignition Facility

De Hinkel, Mb Schneider, Ha Baldis, G Bonanno,De Bower, Km Campbell, Jr Celeste, S Compton,R Costa,El Dewald,Sn Dixit, Mj Eckart,Dc Eder,Mj Edwards, A Ellis, Ja Emig, Dh Froula,Sh Glenzer, D Hargrove,Ca Haynam,Rf Heeter,Ma Henesian, Jp Holder, G Holtmeier,L James,Ks Jancaitis,Dh Kalantar, Jh Kamperschroer,Rl Kauffman, J Kimbrough,Rk Kirkwood,Ae Koniges,Ol Landen,M Landon,Ab Langdon,Fd Lee,Bj Macgowan,Aj Mackinnon,Kr Manes, C Marshall,Mj May,Jw Mcdonald, J Menapace,Ei Moses,Dh Munro, Jr Murray,C Niemann, D Pellinen, V Rekow, Ja Ruppe,J Schein,R Shepherd,Ms Singh, Pt Springer, Ch Still,Lj Suter, Gl Tietbohl,Re Turner, Bm Van Wonterghem,Rj Wallace,A Warrick, P Watts, F Weber,Pj Wegner,Ea Williams, Bk Young,Pe Young


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A platform for analysis of material properties under extreme conditions, where a sample is bathed in radiation with a high temperature, is under development. Depositing maximum laser energy into a small, high-Z enclosure produces this hot environment. Such targets were recently included in an experimental campaign using the first four of the 192 beams of the National Ignition Facility [J. A. Paisner, E. M. Campbell, and W. J. Hogan, Fusion Technol. 26, 755 (1994)], under construction at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. These targets demonstrate good laser coupling, reaching a radiation temperature of 340 eV. In addition, there is a unique wavelength dependence of the Raman backscattered light that is consistent with Brillouin backscatter of Raman forward scatter [A. B. Langdon and D. E. Hinkel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 015003 (2002)]. Finally, novel diagnostic capabilities indicate that 20% of the direct backscatter from these reduced-scale targets is in the polarization orthogonal to that of the incident light. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
quantum mechanics,raman scattering,electromagnetic radiation,rayleigh scattering,boundary layer,plasma physics
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