Su1110 Yield of Prospective Disaccharidase Testing in Children With Recurrent Abdominal Pain


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free time, current stress level, time spend on physical activity, skipped breakfast(s) per week, and the number of servings of fruits, vegetables, caffeinated beverages, and dariy products consumed on a typical day.RESULTS: Out of 26 cases who completed both questionnaires, N=16 showed an improvement of .1 point in GI symptom scores (on a scale = 0-40), with 10 showing no change (N=6) or worse symptoms (N=4).In the group that showed improvement, the following factors improved as well: Anxiety (M= 5.42 in spring; M= 3.11 in summer, p,0.003), parental protective responses (M=14.7 in spring, M=11.9 in summer, p,0.05), vegetable consumption (M=2.71 in spring, M=1.62 in summer, p ,0.048), intense physical activity (M=1.69 in spring, M=1.00 in summer, p ,0.024) and sleep quality (M= 31.3 in spring, M=36.1 in summer, p ,0.009).The degree of change in pain was correlated with the degree of change in fast food (r=.76), caffeine (r=.63), protectiveness (r=-.36), and free time (r=.40).In the group who did not show improvement in pain or pain deteriorated during the summer, a decrease in stress level (M=2.10 in spring, M=1.50 in summer, p,0.024) was observed.Degree of changes in pain were correlated with degree of changes in skipping of breakfast (r=.45), vegetable consumption (r=-.72), and caffeine (r=.46).CON-CLUSIONS: This is the first study to identify factors that may explain seasonal variation in FAP.If abdominal pain improves, anxiety, sleep quality, vegetable consumption, parental response to child's pain and physical activity also show improvements during the summer.We do not know from this pilot work if these factors cause or result from the changes in abdominal pain.Longitudinal studies with larger samples are needed.This type of research is important in revealing future targets in the prevention and management of FAP.
Mealtime Behaviors,Food Selectivity
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