
999 Validation of Pediatric Cardiorespiratory Simulator: Simulresp

O. Flechelles, P. Hernert, F. Cheriet, N. Zaglam, G. Emeriaud, P. Jouvet

Archives of disease in childhood(2012)

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Introduction To improve the training of medical students in respiratory physiology, we created an interactive cardio-respiratory simulator (SimulResp, figure 1). The objective of our study was to validate the simulator in normal and specific patient conditions. Methods We run SimulResp (version 2012.03.10.01) with several virtual patients characteristics: sex (M/F), age (8 to 18 years old) and weights (10 th, median, 90th percentiles), atmospheric pressure increase (simulation of scuba diving condition). SimulResp was run 3 times for each patient characteristic. We compared pH, PO2 and PCO2 obtained from the simulations to physiological values published in literature. Results Blood gases values obtained from SimulResp (figure 1) were within normal range (pH 7.35–7.45, PCO2 35–45 mmHg, PO2 80–100 mmHg). At 4.7 atmospheres, the difference with the published data (ref 1) was less than 10% for all values (figure 2). Abstract 999 Figure 1 Physiological condition at H4 Abstract 999 Figure 2 Ventilation simulation at 4.7 ATM Conclusion The cardiorespiratory simulator, SimulResp, delivered blood gases values within normal range. The next step will be to implement clinical scenarios to facilitate medical student training. Reference (1) Cherry AD, Predictors of hypercapnia in immersed exercise at depth, JAP2008,106:316–325.
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