The role of Su(Hw) protein in transcription regulation in Drosophila melanogaster

Russian Journal of Genetics(2015)

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Insulators are regulatory DNA elements that modulate the effect of enhancers and silencers on gene transcription. However, the role of the insulator proteins in the expression of specific genes remains scarcely studied. In the present study, we examined the role of the Su(Hw)-dependent insulator complex in transcription of the rap , CG32810 , and RpS15Aa genes. It was demonstrated that the interaction of Su(Hw) and Mod(mdg4)-67.2 insulator proteins with the terminator regions of the selected genes depends on the Su(Hw) factor. At the same time, the CP190 protein interacts with the promoter and terminator regions in the absence of Su(Hw). In addition, the Su(Hw) protein does not affect the level and efficiency of termination of model genes transcription. A possible explanation for these results is the existence of another transcription factor, a protein that is able to recruit CP190 and functionally compensate for the lack of the Su(Hw) protein.
Drosophila, insulator, Su(Hw), Mod(mdg4), CP190
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