
Auricular Acupressure for Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Medical acupuncture(2010)

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Background: Many health hazards are related to smoking. Patients who wish to stop smoking often need assistance.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of auricular acupressure for smoking cessation and for the relief of withdrawal symptoms in habitual smokers.Design, Setting, Intervention, and Participants: A prospective, randomized, sham-controlled trial using auricular acupressure was conducted from November 2007 to March 2009 in 70 active smokers in Hong Kong. The active group (n = 38) used Shenmen, Lung, Mouth, and Brain acupoints for 3 weeks. The sham group (n = 32) used non-meridian points. The selected acupoints were stimulated with small hard beads fixed in place with adhesive tape. The enrolled participants were then followed up weekly for 3 weeks and for 3 months after acupressure treatment.Main Outcome Measures: Individual daily cigarette consumption, expiration test for carbon monoxide content, and cigarette withdrawal symptom scores were recorded.Results: At the end of the treatment, cigarette consumption significantly decreased in both groups (35.1% of the active group and 25.8% of the sham group reduced by 50% their daily consumption at 7 days posttreatment). The smoking cessation rate showed no significant difference between the active group and the sham group: 31.3% of the treated participants experienced a reduction of 50% of daily cigarette consumption. Only 17.5% of the participants showed a reduction of carbon monoxide expiration to levels less than 6 ppm (18.2% in the active group vs 16.7% in the sham group; P =.87). Three months after the study, 25 participants were interviewed by phone. Their mean (standard deviation [SD]) resumption of cigarettes compared with pretreatment was 9.17 (7.5) less in the active group compared with 3.5 (7.4) in the sham group (P =.07). There were no significant differences between groups in withdrawal symptoms and no reports of major adverse events in either group.Conclusions: Although the outcomes of this study failed to statistically confirm its efficacy, auricular acupressure was favored by many participants. Acupressure stimulation may not be as effective as needling acupuncture; however, acupressure is easy for the patient to manage. Because of the challenges of smoking cessation, acupressure might still be considered as an adjunctive method with nicotine substitution, pharmacotherapy, or psychotherapy.
Smoking Cessation,Acupuncture,Acupressure,Randomized Controlled Trial
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