A measurement of the axial form factor of the nucleon by the p(e,e′π+)n reaction at

A Liesenfeld,A Richter,S Sirca, K I Blomqvist,W Boeglin,Klemen Bohinc,R Bohm,M O Distler,D Drechsel, R Edelhoff, I Ewald,J M Friedrich, R Geiges, M Kahrau,Matthias Korn,K W Krygier, V Kunde, H Merkel, K Merle,U Muller, R Neuhausen,Th Pospischil,M Potokar, A Rokavec,G Rosner,P U Sauer, S Schardt,H Schmieden,Lothar Tiator,B Vodenik, A Wagner,Th Walcher,Steven A Wolf

Physics Letters B(1999)

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Abstract The reaction p(e,e′π+)n was measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI at an invariant mass of W=1125 MeV and four-momentum transfers of Q2=0.117, 0.195 and 0.273 ( GeV/c ) 2 . For each value of Q2, a Rosenbluth separation of the transverse and longitudinal cross sections was performed. An effective Lagrangian model was used to extract the `axial mass' from experimental data. We find a value of M A =(1.077±0.039) GeV which is (0.051±0.044) GeV larger than the axial mass known from neutrino scattering experiments. This is consistent with recent calculations in chiral perturbation theory.
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