Production rates of b(b)over-bar quark pairs from gluons and b(b)over-barb(b)over-bar events in hadronic Z(0) decays

Giovanni Abbiendi, K. Ackerstaff,C. Ainsley,P. F. Åkesson,Gideon Alexander, J. Allison,K. J. Anderson,Silvia Arcelli,Shoji Asai, S. F. Ashby, D. Axen, Georges Azuelos, I. R. Bailey, A. H. Ball, E. L. Barberio,R. J. Barlow,S. Baumann,T. Behnke, K. W. Bell, Gideon Bella,Alain Bellerive,Stan Bentvelsen,Siegfried Bethke, Otmar Biebel, I. J. Bloodworth, P. Bock,J. Böhme, Oana Elena Vickey Boeriu, Daniele Bonacorsi, M. Boutemeur, S Braibaut, P.G. Bright-Thomas, L. Brigliadori,R. M. Brown, H. J. Burckhart,J. Cammin, Paolo Capiluppi, R. K. Carnegie, A. A. Carter, Carter,C. Y. Chang, D. G. Charlton, Claudia Ciocca,Pel Clarke,E. Clay,I. Cohen, O. C. Cooke, J. Couchman,C. Couyoumtzelis,R. L. Coxe, Marco Cuffiani,Shlomo Dado, G. M. Dallavalle, S.J. Dallison,A. De Roeck,Paul Dervan,Klaus Kurt Desch, Beatrix Dienes, Dixit, M. Donkers, J. Dubbert, Ehud Duchovni, G. Duckeck, I. P. Duerdoth, P. G. Estabrooks, Erez Etzion,Fabrizio Fabbri,Marcello Fanti,Lutz Feld,Pamela Ferrari,F Fielder, I. Fleck, M. Ford, A. Frey, A Furtjes, David Futyan,P. Gagnon, J. W. Gary, Goetz Gaycken, Christoph Geich-Gimbel, G. Giacomelli,Paolo Giacomelli, D. Glenzinski, J. Goldberg,Claudio Grandi,K. Graham, Eugene P. Gross, J. Grunhaus, M. Gruwe, P. O. Günther, Csaba Hajdu, G. G. Hanson, M. Hansroul, M. Hapke,Kristian Harder,Amnon Harel, C. K. Hargrove, M. Harin-Dirac, A. Hauke,M. Hauschild

European Physical Journal C(2001)

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The rates are measured per hadronic Z(0) decay for gluon splitting to b (b) over bar quark pairs, g(b (b) over bar), and of events containing two b (b) over bar quark pairs, g(4b), using a sample of four-jet events selected from data collected with the OPAL detector. Events with an enhanced signal of gluon splitting to b (b) over bar quarks are selected if two of the jets are close in phase-space and contain detached secondary vertices. For the event sample containing two b (b) over bar quark pairs, three of the four jets are required to have a significantly detached secondary vertex. Information from the event topology is combined in a likelihood fit to extract the values of g(b (b) over bar) and g(4b), namelyg(b (b) over bar) = (3.07 +/- 0.53(stat) +/- 0.97(syst)) x 10(-3),g(4b) = (0.36 +/- 0.17(stat) +/- 0.27(syst)) x 10(-3).
monte carlo,physics,fragmentation
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