
Na‐induced Efficiency Boost for Se‐deficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells

Progress in photovoltaics(2015)

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Among different process routes for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells, sufficient Se supply is commonly required to obtain high‐quality CIGS films. However, supplying extra Se increases the cost and the complexity. In this work, we demonstrate that extra Na incorporation can substantially increase efficiency of Se‐deficient CIGS solar cells, fabricated by sputtering from a quaternary CIGS target without extra Se supply, from 1.5% to 11.0%. The Se‐deficient CIGS device without extra NaF reveals a roll‐over I–V curve at room temperature as well as significantly reduced Jsc and fill factor at low temperatures. The electrical characteristics of Se‐deficient CIGS films are well explained and modeled by the low p‐type doping due to high density of compensating donors and the presence of deep defects possibly originating from the anti‐bonding levels of Se vacancies. The significant improvement after extra Na incorporation is attributable to the Na‐induced passivation of Se vacancies and the increased p‐type doping. Our result suggests that extra Na addition can effectively compensate the Se deficiency in CIGS films, which provides a valuable tuning knob for compositional tolerance of absorbers, especially for the Se‐deficient CIGS films. We believe that our findings can shine light on the development of novel CIGS processes, distinct from previous ones fabricated in Se‐rich atmosphere. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cu(In, Ga)Se-2,Na,Se deficient,quaternary target,one-stage process
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