
[Seasonal Characteristics of Δd and Δ18o in Precipitation and Its Water Vapor Sources in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir Area of Yellow River, China].


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The seasonal characteristics of δD and δ¹⁸O in precipitation and the influence factors were studied in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir area at the eastern monsoon region of China. The precipitation samples and the corresponding meteorological data were collected between April and October from the year 2011 to 2014. The local meteoric water lines (LMWL) of different seasons were established, and the water vapor sources in different seasons were investigated. The results showed that the δD and δ¹⁸O in precipitation exhibited an extremely wide range and a distinct seasonal variation, and they were enriched in the spring, and depleted in the fall. The δD and δ¹⁸O values showed negative correlations with the amount of precipitation from April to October and the fall, respectively. The δD values and the mean air temperature showed a negative correlation from April to October, but showed no correlation in seasonal precipitation. Both the slopes of LMWL and excess deuterium (d values) of precipitation were the smallest in the summer, and the largest in the fall. The results of air mass back trajectories of seasonal precipitation using the HYSPLIT model indicated a dominant effect of southeast and southwest maritime monsoon air masses in the summer and the co-influence of continental and oceanic monsoons air masses in the spring and fall in the study area.
δD,δ18O,meteoric water line,excess deuterium (d value),water vapor source,Xiaolangdi Reservoir area,eastern monsoon region
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