
A Randomised Phase Ii Trial to Evaluate the Toxicity of High-Dose Rifampicin to Treat Pulmonary Tuberculosis

A. Jindani,G. Borgulya, I. Westermann de Patino, T. Gonzales, R. A. de Fernandes,B. Shrestha,D. Atwine,M. Bonnet,M. Burgos,F. Dubash,N. Patel, A. M. Checkley,T. S. Harrison,D. Mitchison

˜The œinternational journal of tuberculosis and lung disease/˜The œinternational journal of tuberculosis and lung disease Articles traduits en français(2016)

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SETTING: Randomised Phase LIB clinical trial.OBJECTIVES: To assess whether increasing the dose of rifampicin (RMP) from 10 mg/kg to 15 or 20 mg/kg results in an increase in grade 3 or 4 hepatic adverse events and/or serious adverse events (SAE).METHODS: Three hundred human immunodeficiency virus negative patients with newly diagnosed microscopy-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) were randomly assigned to one of three regimens: 1) the control regimen (R10), comprising daily ethambutol (EMB), isoniazid (INH), RMP and pyrazinamide for 8 weeks, followed by INH and RMP daily for 18 weeks; 2) Study Regimen 1 (R15), as above, with the RMP dose increased to 15 mg/kg body weight daily for the first 16 weeks; and 3) Study Regimen 2 (R20), as above, with RMP increased to 20 mg/kg. Serum alanine transferase (ALT) levels were measured at regular intervals.RESULTS: There were seven grade 3 increases in ALT levels, 1/100 (1%) among R10 arm patients, 2/100 (2%) in the R15 arm and 4/100 (4%) in the R20 arm (trend test P = 0.15). One (R15) patient developed jaundice, requiring treatment modification. There were no grade 4 ALT increases. There was a non-significant increase in culture negativity at 8 weeks with increasing RMP dosage: 75% (69/92) in R10, 82.5% (66/80) in R15 and 83.1% (76/91) R20 patients (P = 0.16).CONCLUSIONS: No significant increase in adverse events occurred when the RMP dose was increased from 10 mg/kg to 15 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg.
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