In search of the best MPI-OpenMP distribution for optimum Intel-MIC cluster performance

2015 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)(2015)

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Applications for HPC platforms are mainly based on hybrid programming models: MPI for communication and OpenMP for task and fork-join parallelism to exploit shared memory communication inside a node. On the basis of this scheme, much research has been carried out to improve performance. Some examples are: the overlap of communication and computation, or the increase of speedup and bandwidth on new network fabrics (i.e. Infiniband and 10GB or 40GB ethernet). Henceforth, as far as computation and communication are concerned, the HPC platforms will be heterogeneous with high-speed networks. And, in this context, an important issue is to decide how to distribute the workload among all the nodes in order to balance the application execution as well as choosing the most appropriate programming model to exploit parallelism inside the node. In this paper we propose a mechanism to balance dynamically the work distribution among the heterogeneous components of an heterogeneous cluster based on their performance characteristics. For our evaluations we run the miniFE mini-application of the Mantevo suite benchmark, in a heterogeneous Intel MIC cluster. Experimental results show that making an effort to choose the appropriate number of threads can improve performance significantly over choosing the maximum available number of cores in the Intel MIC.
Hybrid MPI-OpenMP,Intel MIC,Heterogeneous HPC platforms,MPI_Allreduce
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