Freedom in Tapestrea! Voice-Aware Track Manipulations.


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Sinusoidal tracks in TAPESTREA have too long been op- pressed, unable to choose which other tracks they hang out with, and only able to be modified in fixed groups. They had no say in their own lives, no individuality. That ends today. We advocate FREEDOM in TAPESTREA by way of VTAPS, where every track can be interacted with as a distinct, FREE entity. Only thus can it contribute fully to the larger sound scene. Please join our movement by downloading TAPESTREA at TAPESTREA is an environmental audio editing system that encourages the user to work with pitched sounds in terms of salient frequencies that modulate over time, oth- erwise called tracks. While TAPESTREA has provided the means for manipulating these tracks as groups (called "templates"), the aim of this project - VTAPS - is to al- low the user to manipulate tracks individually or in arbi- trary groups. This allows for advanced manipulations to be performed quickly and with more control than when templates were indivisible units. It inspires and enables features for manipulating the audio in ways that are useful for voice recordings and musical instruments.
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