Egocentric Recognition of Handled Objects: Benchmark and Analysis

CVPR Workshops(2009)

引用 140|浏览23
Recognizing objects being manipulated in hands can provide essential information about a person's activities and have far-reaching impacts on the application of vision in everyday life. The egocentric viewpoint from a wearable camera has unique advantages in recognizing handled ob- jects, such as havinga close view andseeing objectsin their natural positions. We collect a comprehensive dataset and analyze the feasibilities and challenges of the egocentric recognition of handled objects. We use a lapel-worn camera and record uncompressed video streams as human subjects manipulate objects in daily activities. We use 42 day-to-day objects that vary in size, shape, color and textureness. 10 video sequences are shot for each object under different illuminations and back- grounds. We use this dataset and a SIFT-based recogni- tion system to analyze and quantitatively characterize the main challenges in egocentric object recognition, such as motion blur and hand occlusion, along with its unique con- straints, such as hand color, location prior and temporal consistency. SIFT-based recognition has an average recog- nitionrate of12%, andreaches20%throughenforcingtem- poral consistency. We use simulations to estimate the upper bound for SIFT-based recognition at 64%, the loss of ac- curacy due to background clutter at 20%, and that of hand occlusion at 13%. Our quantitative evaluations show that the egocentric recognition of handled objects is a challeng- ing but feasible problem with many unique characteristics and many opportunities for future research.
cameras,computer vision,image colour analysis,image motion analysis,image sequences,image texture,object recognition,shape recognition,video recording,video signal processing,video streaming,SIFT,computer vision,egocentric handled object recognition,hand occlusion,image color analysis,image texture,lapel-worn camera,motion blur,shape recognition,uncompressed video stream recording,video sequence,wearable camera,
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