Metalearning for Multiple-Domain Transfer Learning.

MetaSel'15: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Meta-Learning and Algorithm Selection - Volume 1455(2015)

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Machine learning processes consist in collecting data, obtaining a model and applying it to a given task. Given a new task, the standard approach is to restart the learning process and obtain a new model. However, previous learning experience can be exploited to assist the new learning process. The two most studied approaches for this are metalearning and transfer learning. Metalearning can be used for selecting the predictive model to use over a determined dataset. Transfer learning allows the reuse of knowledge from previous tasks. Our aim is to use metalearning to support transfer learning and reduce the computational cost without loss in terms of performance, as well as the user effort needed for the algorithm selection. In this paper we propose some methods for mapping the transfer of weights between neural networks to improve the performance of the target network, and describe some experiments performed in order to test our hypothesis.
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