
Cyanobacterial RNA helicase, CrhR, localizes to the thylakoid membrane region and co-sediments with degradosome and polysome complexes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.


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The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 encodes a single DEAD box RNA helicase, CrhR, whose expression is tightly autoregulated in response to cold stress. Subcellular localization and proteomic analysis results indicate that CrhR localizes to both the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membrane regions and cosediments with polysome and RNA degradosome components. Evidence is presented that either functional RNA helicase activity or a C-terminal localization signal was required for polysome but not thylakoid membrane localization. Polysome fractionation and runoff translation analysis results indicate that CrhR associates with actively translating polysomes. The data implicate a role for CrhR in translation or RNA degradation in the thylakoid region related to thylakoid biogenesis or stability, a role that is enhanced at low temperature. Furthermore, CrhR co-sedimentation with polysome and RNA degradosome complexes links alteration of RNA secondary structure with a potential translation-RNA degradation complex in Synechocystis. IMPORTANCE The interaction between mRNA translation and degradation is a major determinant controlling gene expression. Regulation of RNA function by alteration of secondary structure by RNA helicases performs crucial roles, not only in both of these processes but also in all aspects of RNA metabolism. Here, we provide evidence that the cyanobacterial RNA helicase CrhR localizes to both the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membrane regions and cosediments with actively translating polysomes and RNA degradosome components. These findings link RNA helicase alteration of RNA secondary structure with translation and RNA degradation in prokaryotic systems and contribute to the data supporting the idea of the existence of a macromolecular machine catalyzing these reactions in prokaryotic systems, an association hitherto recognized only in archaea and eukarya.
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