Sigir 2016 Workshop Webqa Ii: Web Question Answering Beyond Factoids

SIGIR '16: The 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval Pisa Italy July, 2016(2016)

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Web search engines have made great progress at answering factoid queries. However, they are not well-tailored for managing more complex questions, especially when they require explanation and/or description. The WebQA workshop series aims at exploring diverse approaches to answering questions on the Web. This year, particular emphasis will be given to Community Question Answering (CQA), where comments by the users engaged in the forum communities can be used to answer new questions. Questions posted on the Web can be short and ambiguous (similarly to Web queries to a search engine). These issues make the WebQA task more challenging than traditional QA, and finding the most effective approaches for it remains an open problem. Unlike the more formal conference format, the aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in diverse areas working on this problem, including those from NLP, IR, social media and recommender systems communities. This workshop is specifically designed for the SIGIR audience. However, due to its format, its goal, as compared to the main conference, is to conduct a more focused and open discussion, encouraging the presentation of work in progress and late-breaking initial results in Web Question Answering. Both academic and industrial participation will be solicited, including keynotes and invited speakers.
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