CUDA-Accelerated Rendering of Fireworks in Nearly Ultra High Definition Videos

Hsuan-Ting Chang, Hsiao-Wei Peng, Cheng-Hsiu Tsai

2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM)(2016)

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In this paper, a framework of generating dynamic fireworks with a steady scene as the background is proposed. We use the particle system for simulating the firework animation to obtain a video clip, which can then be modified based on physical dynamics and the dissemination of light source. To achieve this goal, the general-purpose computation on graphics processing unit (GPGPU) for rendering and the linked list approach in C/C++ Language are integrated in the proposed method to enhance the computation efficiency. The introduction of a new computing technology termed "compute unified device architecture" (CUDA) is used to achieve higher efficiency and frame rates due to its capability on the parallel computing and memory allocation for display. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed method significantly enhances the system performance in both the rendering and program execution efficiency. The video frame rate can achieve as high as than in nearly ultra -- high definition videos.
Ultra-high definition video,Particle system,Background illumination,CUDA,GPU,Firework
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