
Accelerating the Mining of Influential Nodes in Complex Networks Through Community Detection

Conf Computing Frontiers(2016)

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Computing the set of influential nodes of a given size, which when activated will ensure maximal spread of influence on a complex network, is a challenging problem impacting multiple applications. A rigorous approach to influence maximization involves utilization of optimization routines that come with a high computational cost. In this work, we propose to exploit the existence of communities in complex networks to accelerate the mining of influential seeds. We provide intuitive reasoning to explain why our approach should be able to provide speedups without significantly degrading the extent of the spread of influence when compared to the case of influence maximization without using the community information. Additionally, we have parallelized the complete workflow by leveraging an existing parallel implementation of the Louvain community detection algorithm. We then conduct a series of experiments on a dataset with three representative graphs to first verify our implementation and then demonstrate the speedups. Our method achieves speedups ranging from 3x to 28x for graphs with small number of communities while nearly matching or even exceeding the activation performance on the entire graph. Complexity analysis reveals that dramatic speedups are possible for larger graphs that contain a correspondingly larger number of communities. In addition to the speedups obtained from the utilization of the community structure, scalability results show up to 6.3x speedup on 20 cores relative to the baseline run on 2 cores. Finally, current limitations of the approach are outlined along with the planned next steps.
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