Results on two-, three-, and four-body events from the100Mo+100Mo and120Sn+120Sn collisions aroundE/A=20 MeV

Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei(1991)

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Events with 2, 3 and 4 heavy-fragments (A≧20) have been detected in the reactions100Mo+100Mo atE/A =18.7, 23.7 MeV and120Sn+120Sn atE/A=18.4 MeV. The experiments were performed with an array of 12 detectors which together covered a large fraction of the forward hemisphere and allowed a high detection efficiency for these events. Masses and energies of all fragments have been reconstructed by means of an improved version of the kinematic coincidence method. The probabilitiesP3 andP4 of producing 3- and 4-body events were found to depend mainly on the dissipated energy rather than on the bombarding energy, thus indicating that their origin lies more in the decay properties of the excited fragments than in the dynamics of the interaction. Emission of light particles from the composite system is shown to become more relevant with increasing bombarding energy and may explain the drop of theP3 andP4 curves at high energy losses. Small deviations of theP3 andP4 curves at 23.7A · MeV from those at lower bombarding energies were used to estimate the amount of a possible pre-equilibrium light particle emission as a function of impact parameter.
25.70.-z, 25.70.Lm
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