Resonance assignments of Ca 2+ -bound human S100A11

Biomolecular NMR Assignments(2012)

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The S100 family belongs to the EF-hand calcium-binding proteins regulating a wide range of important cellular processes via protein–protein interactions. Most S100 proteins adopt a conformation of non-covalent homodimer for their functions. Calcium binding to the EF-hand motifs of S100 proteins is essential for triggering the structural changes, promoting exposure of hydrophobic regions necessary for target protein interactions. S100A11 is a protein found in diverse tissues and possesses multiple functions upon binding to different target proteins. RAGE is a multiligand receptor binding to S100A11 and the interactions at molecular level have not been reported. However, the three-dimensional structure of human S100A11 containing 105 amino acids is still not available for further interaction studies. To determine the solution structure, for the first time we report the 1 H, 15 N and 13 C resonance assignments and protein secondary structure prediction of human S100A11 dimer in complex with calcium using a variety of triple resonance NMR experiments and the chemical shift index (CSI) method, respectively.
S100A11,Human,Dimer,Calcium binding protein,NMR resonance assignment
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