
Swallowing Safety in Parkinson'S Disease after Zona Incerta Deep Brain Stimulation

Brain and behavior(2017)

引用 7|浏览15
Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine swallowing function in patients with Parkinson's disease before and after caudal zona incerta deep brain (cZI DBS) surgery. The aims were to examine the effect of cZI DBS on swallowing safety regarding liquid and solid food, as well as to identify the effect of cZI DBS on body mass index (BMI) and specific items from part II of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS).Materials and Methods: The median age of the 14 patients was 57 years (range 46-71), with a median disease duration of 6 years (range 2-13). The present sample is an extension of a previous report, into which six additional patients have been added. Fiber endoscopic examinations of swallowing function, measures of BMI, and evaluation of UPDRS part II items were made before and 12 months after surgery, with and without activated DBS.Results: There were no significant changes due to cZI DBS regarding penetration/aspiration, pharyngeal residue or premature spillage (p > .05). Median BMI increased by +1.1 kg/m(2) 12 months after surgery (p = .01, r = .50). All reported specific symptoms from the UPDRS part II were slight or mild. A significant improvement regarding handling of utensils was seen 12 months postoperatively (p = .03, r = -.42).Conclusions: Caudal zona incerta DBS was found not to have a negative impact on swallowing safety. A significant increase in postoperative weight was observed, and speech seemed to be slightly negatively affected, whereas handling of utensils was improved with cZI DBS.
body mass index,caudal zona incerta,deep brain stimulation,Parkinson's disease,swallowing function
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