A Genetic Variant Ameliorates β-Thalassemia Severity by Epigenetic-Mediated Elevation of Human Fetal Hemoglobin Expression.

The American Journal of Human Genetics(2017)

引用 30|浏览6
A delayed fetal-to-adult hemoglobin (Hb) switch ameliorates the severity of beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disease. The molecular mechanism underlying the epigenetic dysregulation of the switch is unclear. To explore the potential cis-variants responsible for the Hb switching, we systematically analyzed an 80-kb region spanning the beta-globin cluster using capture-based next-generation sequencing of 1142 Chinese beta-thalassemia persons and identified 31 fetal hemoglobin (HbF)-associated haplotypes of the selected 28 tag regulatory single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rSNPs) in seven linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks. A Ly1 antibody reactive (LYAR)-binding motif disruptive rSNP rs368698783 (G/A) from LD block 5 in the proximal promoter of hemoglobin subunit gamma 1 (HBG1) was found to be a significant predictor for beta-thalassemia clinical severity by epigenetic-mediated variant-dependent HbF elevation. We found this rSNP accounted for 41.6% of beta-hemoglobinopathy individuals as an ameliorating factor in a total of 2,738 individuals from southern China and Thailand. We uncovered that the minor allele of the rSNP triggers the attenuation of LYAR and two repressive epigenetic regulators DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha (DNMT3A) and protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) from the HBG promoters, mediating allele-biased gamma-globin elevation by facilitating demethylation of HBG core promoter CpG sites in erythroid progenitor cells from beta-thalassemia persons. The present study demonstrates that this common rSNP in the proximal A gamma-promoter is a major genetic modifier capable of ameliorating the severity of thalassemia major through the epigenetic-mediated regulation of the delayed fetal-to-adult Hb switch and provides potential targets for the treatment of beta-hemoglobinopathy.
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