
A Bispecific Antibody Targeting IGF-IR and EGFR Has Tumor and Metastasis Suppressive Activity in an Orthotopic Xenograft Osteosarcoma Mouse Model.


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Osteosarcoma is a highly aggressive bone cancer and the second most frequent cause of cancer-associated death in childhood and adolescence. Pulmonary metastases account for the high mortality rate in osteosarcoma patients. Therefore, novel therapeutic approaches, efficiently restraining the metastatic disease, are mandatory for a significant improvement of the currently poor patients' survival. Although initial studies with antibodies targeting insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) showed promising potential for the treatment of patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas, phase II clinical trials revealed variable results, which implied activation of alternative signaling pathways leading to therapy resistance. Since a cross-talk between IGF-IR and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been demonstrated in several cancer types, co-targeting of these two receptors was considered in the present study as a valuable therapeutic strategy to overcome single-agent treatment resistance in osteosarcoma. The effects of IGF-IR and/or EGFR targeting by intraperitoneal administration of the monospecific IGF-IR antibody R1507 or the EGFR antibody Cetuximab or the bispecific IGF-IR/EGFR antibody XGFR* on primary tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis were investigated in an intratibial human xenograft osteosarcoma mouse model. In vitro functional assays demonstrated that targeting IGF-IR and EGFR didn't affect osteosarcoma cell viability, but inhibited ligand-activated intracellular signaling and cell migratory capacity. The blocking potential of ligand-induced signaling in vitro was similar for all antibodies, but, in vivo, only XGFR* treatment significantly inhibited intratibial primary tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis. The therapeutic response to XGFR* was associated with an infiltration of innate immune system effector cells into the tumor microenvironment. Taken together, our study highlights the bispecific anti-IGF-IR/EGFR antibody XGFR* as an innovative promising effective candidate for the treatment of metastatic osteosarcoma and provides the rationale for future clinical studies.
Osteosarcoma,metastasis,targeted therapy,xenograft mouse model,bispecific antibody,XGFR(star),R1507,Cetuximab
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