Closed-Loop Communication Improves Task Completion in Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation.

Journal of surgical education(2017)

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BACKGROUND:Pediatric trauma care requires effective and clear communication in a time-sensitive manner amongst a variety of disciplines. Programs such as Crew Resource Management in aviation have been developed to systematically prevent errors. Similarly, teamSTEPPS has been promoted in healthcare with a strong focus on communication. We aim to evaluate the ability of closed-loop communication to improve time-to-task completion in pediatric trauma activations. METHODS:All pediatric trauma activations from January to September, 2016 at an American College of Surgeons verified level I pediatric trauma center were video recorded and included in the study. Two independent reviewers identified and classified all verbal orders issued by the trauma team leader for order audibility, directed responsibility, check-back, and time-to-task-completion. The impact of pre-notification and level of activation on time-to-task-completion was also evaluated. All analyses were performed using SAS® version 9.4(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). RESULTS:In total, 89 trauma activation videos were reviewed, with 387 verbal orders identified. Of those, 126(32.6%) were directed, 372(96.1%) audible, and 101(26.1%) closed-loop. On average each order required 3.85 minutes to be completed. There was a significant reduction in time-to-task-completion when closed-loop communication was utilized (p < 0.0001). Orders with closed-loop communication were completed 3.6 times sooner as compared to orders with an open-loop [HR = 3.6 (95% CI: 2.5, 5.3)]. There was not a significant difference in time-to-task-completion with respect to pre-notification by emergency service providers (p < 0.6100). [HR = 1.1 (95% CI: 0.9, 1.3)]. There was also not a significant difference in time-to-task-completion with respect to level of trauma team activation (p < 0.2229). [HR = 1.3 (95% CI: 0.8, 2.1)]. CONCLUSION:While closed-loop communication prevents medical errors, our study highlights the potential to increase the speed and efficiency with which tasks are completed in the setting of pediatric trauma resuscitation. Trauma drills and systems of communication that emphasize the use of closed-loop communication should be incorporated into the training of trauma team leaders. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:This is a prospective observational study with intervention level II evidence.
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