Performance analysis of multi-institutional data sharing in the Clouds4Coordination system.

Computers & Electrical Engineering(2017)

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Use of a federated, multi-Cloud environment within a construction/architecture consortium.Use of the CometCloud system to implement a multi-cloud environment, enabling partners within a collaborative projects to aggregate their computational infrastructure.Implementation of an Application Programming Interface (API) to enable such Cloud federation.Realising a use case in construction/architecture using the Building Information Model across a multi-Cloud environment.Performance analysis of the multi-Cloud use in the context of the use case, by measuring an aggregate time to complete metric. Display Omitted Cloud computing is used extensively in Architecture/ Engineering/ Construction projects for storing data and running simulations on building models (e.g. energy efficiency/environmental impact). With the emergence of multi-Clouds it has become possible to link such systems and create a distributed cloud environment. A multi-Cloud environment enables each organisation involved in a collaborative project to maintain its own computational infrastructure/ system (with the associated data), and not have to migrate to a single cloud environment. Such infrastructure becomes efficacious when multiple individuals and organisations work collaboratively, enabling each individual/ organisation to select a computational infrastructure that most closely matches its requirements. We describe the Clouds-for-Coordination system, and provide a use case to demonstrate how such a system can be used in practice. A performance analysis is carried out to demonstrate how effective such a multi-Cloud system can be, reporting aggregated-time-to-complete metric over a number of different scenarios.
Cloud computing,Cloud federation,Performance analysis,Distributed coordination,CometCloud,Architecture,Engineering and construction (AEC) projects
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