
Hardware Implementation of Hierarchical Temporal Memory Algorithm

Weifu Li,Paul Franzon, Sumon Dey, Joshua Schabel

ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems(2021)

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Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is an un-supervised machine learning algorithm that can learn both spatial and temporal information of input. It has been successfully applied to multiple areas. In this paper, we propose a multi-level hierarchical ASIC implementation of HTM, referred to as processor core, to support both spatial and temporal pooling. To improve the unbalanced workload in HTM, the proposed design provides different mapping methods for the spatial and temporal pooling, respectively. In the proposed design, we implement a distributed memory system by assigning one dedicated memory bank to each level of hierarchy to improve the memory bandwidth utilization efficiency. Finally, the hot-spot operations are optimized using a series of customized units. Regarding scalability, we propose a ring-based network consisting of multiple processor cores to support a larger HTM network. To evaluate the performance of our proposed design, we map an HTM network that includes 2,048 columns and 65,536 cells on both the proposed design and NVIDIA Tesla K40c GPU using the KTH database as input. The latency and power of the proposed design is 6.04 ms and 4.1 W using GP 65 nm technology. Compared to the equivalent GPU implementation, the latency and power is improved 12.45× and 57.32×, respectively.
Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM),ASIC design,distributed memory,KTH benchmark
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