Multifaceted Efforts to Create an Inclusive Environment and Increase Diversity (Abstract Only)

Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education(2016)

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The goal of increasing the representation of women and minorities in Computer Science is widespread and one to which we are strongly committed. There are several notable academic programs and professional organizations that are making headway on this goal themselves and are making resources available to others. While we have learned from others, we have also developed some novel approaches appropriate to our institution we feel are suitable for others. In this poster, we outline the best practices that we've adopted and describe our novel approaches. Some of these efforts were funded by an NSF S-STEM grant which provided scholarships and supporting services for females pursuing degrees in Computer Science or Mathematics. Other ideas spawned independently of that grant and require few resources. Our efforts include: (1) actively recruiting female students (2) early advising and peer mentoring (3) creating a supportive department culture, paying special attention to underrepresented groups and first-generation students (4) developing teaching practices to increase freshmen interest and retain students through graduation (5) encouraging students to become members of the larger community (6) promoting professional and leadership development. We describe how the novel approaches we've developed contribute to these recognized best practices, report on our actions, and include our qualitative assessment of improved climate and quantitative results related to improved recruitment and retention. The human and financial resources required for each action item are indicated. Our ultimate goals are to share our approaches, learn from our colleagues, and to foster continued engagement.
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