
In Trauma Patients, the Occurrence of Early-Onset Nosocomial Infections is Associated with Increased Plasma Concentrations of Chromogranin A.


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In previously healthy persons suffering from acute illnesses, nosocomial infections (NIs) are frequent. Their prevalence suggests the existence of as yet unknown conditions that may promote care-related infection. This study assessed whether the measurement of plasma chromogranin A, a stress-related protein involved in innate defense, is related to NI risk, and whether any chromogranin A-derived fragment included in vasostatin-I displays immunosuppressive activities related to AP-1 or NF-kappa B downregulation. At the clinical level, trauma patients and healthy controls were recruited to be eligible. Clinical histories were recorded, and standard biological tests (including plasma chromogranin A) were performed. For 9 randomly chosen patients and 16 controls, the time-dependent concentrations of chromogranin A (CGA) were assessed twice a day over 66 h. The data show that trauma patients present a higher value of CGA concentration during 66 h in comparison with healthy controls. In addition, patients maintaining this significant increase in CGA readily develop NIs. We therefore studied the effects of chromogranin A-derived peptides on monocytes, focusing on transcription factors that play a central role in inflammation. In vitro assay demonstrated that a chromogranin A-derived fragment (CGA(47-70)) displays a significant inhibition of NF-kappa B and AP-1 transcriptional activities in these cells. In conclusion, the occurrence of NI in trauma patients is associated with significantly increased plasma CGA concentrations. Downregulation of the two transcription factors by CGA(47-70) might induce early acquired immune defect after a serious medical stress.
Chromogranin A,immunosuppression,infection,monocyte,NF-kB,trauma,vasostatin-I
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