
Papillary Architecture of the Lingual Surface in the Puma (puma Concolor).

S. Erdogan, S. Villar, H. E. Koenig,W. Perez

Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia(2017)

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This research presents the first anatomical description of the tongue and lingual papillae of the mountain lion (puma). The tongues of three adult male pumas were used in this study. The tongues were dissected and studied firstly by gross and stereomicroscopy. Samples of each part were processed by study with scanning electron microscopy. The margins of the lingual apex were surrounded by numerous filiform papillae, which had a bulky papillary body and a bifurcated tip. On the dorsal surface of the lingual apex, filiform papillae were remarkably pointed and had many secondary projections, which emerged from the base of the main papilla. In the rostral half of the lingual body, filiform papillae were longer, cylindrical and had blunt tips. On the caudal half of the lingual body, filiform papillae gave place to conical ones exhibiting a pointed tip. The fungiform papillae were scattered on the whole dorsal surface of the tongue. On each lateral half of the tongue, four circumvallate papillae were observed and each circumvallate papilla was surrounded by thick and horseshoe-like annular pad, which were composed by pointed conical papillae on the caudal border of the lingual body. The dorsal surface of the circumvallate papilla was covered by many finger-like protrusion, and the tip of each protrusion had a central orifice. Anatomical distribution of lingual papillae was different to other carnivores and represents the adaptation to the feeding habits of this mammal. General morphology of the lingual structures was similar to those of the tiger.
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