
ParSec: Wireless Industrial Communication First PSSS Measurements in Industrial Environment.

2017 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS)(2017)

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Wireless technologies gain importance in various fields of industrial communication as they facilitate control and data acquisition tasks. In this context, Parallel Sequence Spread Spectrum (PSSS) is a promising new approach. The parametrization of a PSSS system is very flexible and thus can be precisely adapted to the application's requirements. Independent of the PSSS parametrization, the transmission resources can be assigned efficiently since their management is very flexible. With full duplex and a resource stream in both up- and downlink, even a network with high node density and varying QoS requirements can be served in a single PSSS system. Especially cycle times smaller than 1 ms are possible. A PSSS system for ultra low latency and highly reliable industrial applications is parametrized in the German research project ParSec. In ParSec, the PSSS system is evaluated analytically as well as in practice. In order to allow early measurements, in ParSec a rapid prototype system was developed, with which first PSSS measurements were performed. This paper gives an overview of the fundamental PSSS concept, while it points out the overall system's potential in industrial communication. Moreover, the measurement results are discussed to evaluate the bit error distribution in a PSSS frame. Rolf Kraemer IHP Microelectronics Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
CDMA,Error Rates,Factory Automation,Industrial Environment,Industrial Radio,PSSS,Resource Management,Ultra Low Latency
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