Complexity vs. performance: empirical analysis of machine learning as a service.


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Machine learning classifiers are basic research tools used in numerous types of network analysis and modeling. To reduce the need for domain expertise and costs of running local ML classifiers, network researchers can instead rely on centralized Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) platforms. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of MLaaS systems ranging from fully-automated, turnkey systems to fully-customizable systems, and find that with more user control comes greater risk. Good decisions produce even higher performance, and poor decisions result in harsher performance penalties. We also find that server side optimizations help fully-automated systems outperform default settings on competitors, but still lag far behind well-tuned MLaaS systems which compare favorably to standalone ML libraries. Finally, we find classifier choice is the dominating factor in determining model performance, and that users can approximate the performance of an optimal classifier choice by experimenting with a small subset of random classifiers. While network researchers should approach MLaaS systems with caution, they can achieve results comparable to standalone classifiers if they have sufficient insight into key decisions like classifiers and feature selection.
Machine Learning, Cloud Computing
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