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Recent Enhancements To Interline And Electron Multiplying Ccd Image Sensors


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This paper describes recent process modifications made to enhance the performance of interline and electron-multiplying charge-coupled-device (EMCCD) image sensors. By use of MeV ion implantation, quantum efficiency in the NIR region of the spectrum was increased by 2x, and image smear was reduced by 6 dB. By reducing the depth of the shallow photodiode (PD) implants, the photodiode-to-vertical-charge-coupled-device (VCCD) transfer gate voltage required for no-lag operation was reduced by 3 V, and the electronic shutter voltage was reduced by 9 V. The thinner, surface pinning layer also resulted in a reduction of smear by 4 dB in the blue portion of the visible spectrum. For EMCCDs, gain aging was eliminated by providing an oxide-only dielectric under its multiplication phase, while retaining the oxide-nitride-oxide (ONO) gate dielectrics elsewhere in the device.
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interline CCD,EMCCD,quantum efficiency,low noise,gain aging
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