Identity-Preserving Face Recovery from Portraits

2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)(2018)

引用 9|浏览38
Recovering the latent photorealistic faces from their artistic portraits aids human perception and facial analysis. However, a recovery process that can preserve identity is challenging because the fine details of real faces can be distorted or lost in stylized images. In this paper, we present a new Identity-preserving Face Recovery from Portraits (IFRP) to recover latent photorealistic faces from unaligned stylized portraits. Our IFRP method consists of two components: Style Removal Network (SRN) and Discriminative Network (DN). The SRN is designed to transfer feature maps of stylized images to the feature maps of the corresponding photorealistic faces. By embedding spatial transformer networks into the SRN, our method can compensate for misalignments of stylized faces automatically and output aligned realistic face images. The role of the DN is to enforce recovered faces to be similar to authentic faces. To ensure the identity preservation, we promote the recovered and ground-truth faces to share similar visual features via a distance measure which compares features of recovered and ground-truth faces extracted from a pre-trained VGG network. We evaluate our method on a large-scale synthesized dataset of real and stylized face pairs and attain state of the art results. In addition, our method can recover photorealistic faces from previously unseen stylized portraits, original paintings and human-drawn sketches.
authentic faces,identity preservation,recovered ground-truth faces,stylized face pairs,unseen stylized portraits,Identity-preserving Face Recovery,latent photorealistic faces,artistic portraits aids human perception,recovery process,stylized images,unaligned stylized portraits,SRN,feature maps,corresponding photorealistic faces,stylized faces,output aligned realistic face images,recovered faces
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