We're All in This Together: CS Students, the Tech Industry, and Mental Health (Abstract Only).

Christian Murphy, Jennifer Akullian

SIGCSE '18: The 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Baltimore Maryland USA February, 2018(2018)

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Long hours, pressure to meet deadlines, and fear of failure are just some of the stressors that affect CS students and professionals alike, leading to burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. A quarter of the world's population lives with some form of mental illness, and a 2015 UC-Berkeley study reported that nearly 50% of STEM graduate students live with depression. Furthermore, recent research suggests that 50% of those working in the tech community have been diagnosed with a mental illness, a statistic that may actually underestimate the problem because of stigmas in certain cultures and communities around seeking mental health services. These numbers all suggest a significant need for awareness and support in the tech industry. This BOF will provide attendees an opportunity to discuss the mental illnesses that affect CS students, including how to recognize symptoms, what resources are available, and how to create a culture of understanding and support within their communities. More importantly, we hope to create a space in which those living with mental illness can share their stories so that other participants can get a first-hand appreciation of the challenges they face.
mental health,mental illness,wellness,well-being
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