Ensuring business and service requirements in enterprise mashups

Inf. Syst. E-Business Management(2017)

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During the past few years, mashups have gained wide attention as they utilize Web 2.0 technologies in order to combine data, as well as the functionalities of numerous services, in a simple web application. While developing mashups for simple user-specific needs is not a demanding procedure, this is not the case for value-added services that need to satisfy specific properties and business needs, known as enterprise mashups. As a number of business requirements have to be satisfied, and execution faults are less tolerated compared to user-centric scenarios, a rigorous approach for their development is required. In this work we present such an approach utilizing model checking techniques, provided by the behavior, interaction, priorities (BIP) component framework. In addition, a methodology for the transformation of business process model and notation models, describing the business logic of a requested mashup, into the corresponding BIP models is proposed. The generated models enable the verification of requested properties.
Business process,BPMN,Enterprise mashups,Web services,Model checking,BIP component framework
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