
Entropy Controlled Non-Stationarity for Improving Performance of Independent Learners in Anonymous MARL Settings.

arXiv: Learning(2018)

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With the advent of sequential matching (of supply and demand) systems (uber, Lyft, Grab for taxis; ubereats, deliveroo, etc for food; amazon prime, lazada etc. for groceries) across many online and offline services, individuals (taxi drivers, delivery boys, delivery van drivers, etc.) earn more by being at the place at the time. We focus on techniques for providing guidance (on right locations to be at right times) to individuals in the presence of other learning individuals. Interactions between indivduals are anonymous, i.e, the outcome of an interaction (competing for demand) is independent of the identity of the agents and therefore we refer to these as Anonymous MARL settings. Existing research of relevance is on independent using Reinforcement Learning (RL) or on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). The number of individuals in aggregation systems is extremely large and individuals have their own selfish interest (of maximising revenue). Therefore, traditional MARL approaches are either not scalable or assumptions of common objective or action coordination are not viable. In this paper, we focus on improving performance of independent reinforcement learners, specifically the popular Deep Q-Networks (DQN) and Advantage Actor Critic (A2C) approaches by exploiting anonymity. Specifically, we control non-stationarity introduced by other agents using entropy of agent density distribution. We demonstrate a significant improvement in revenue for individuals and for all agents together with our learners on a generic experimental set up for aggregation systems and a real world taxi dataset.
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