Of Cyborg Developers And Big Brother Programming Ai


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Meet Ana, AI data integrator for INGSOFT. The time: 07:32 am. Ana's personal assistant, Lucio, has been monitoring her heart rate and breathing throughout the night using just his microphone and notices that now is the ideal time to wake up: outside of REM sleep and after roughly 8 hours of sleep - a duration which has been determined from the experience of countless previous nights and consisting of pre-sleep activity, detected mood in the morning, performance throughout the following day and over a dozen other biometric and behavioral indicators. The assistant sounds a gentle alarm at the appropriate volume. After a brief shower, Ana reads her edition of PG (the Personal Gazette). Given the work cycles of her teammates, Lucio suggests to work from home this morning. INGSOFT's main product is 'Metadapt', an AI that dynamically adapts running AI agents for new situations. For the past few weeks, she's been immersed in deploying Metadapt on the cities traffic system. The 2048 Summer Olympics are coming up, and the AI routing self-driving cars and their vintage counterparts is projected to react poorly to the unexpected change in traffic volume and travel patterns. Ana sits down at her workstation and is assigned the first task for today. 'Gone are the days of issue trackers and SCRUM meetings' she thinks, briefly reminiscing her days as an intern at one of the derelict 'coding zoos' as they've come to call the old-fashioned, cubicle-compartmentalized office buildings of the past. The biocam, installed in her workstation and unobtrusively monitoring Ana's heart rate, skin temperature, eye movements and pupil dilation, notices her mind wandering and turns on the coffee machine in her kitchen. Ana's been tasked with talking to the people at Publitrans, who run the cities personal public transport system. They have some vital information regarding anticipated changes in cab traffic during the Olympics. Ana frequently gets these assignments, as she has excellent communication skills and also knows how to speak to people such that Metadapt can follow the discussion. As the smell of her favourite brew permeates the apartment and Ana moves to the Kitchen, Lucio takes the opportunity to tell her that the meeting will take place at 9am. INGSOFT has recently subscribed to WaveVR, that new business communication tool consisting of a few tiny laser projectors and a set of comfy gloves. 3D images of her two contacts at Publitrans, captured using their biocams, is projected into Ana's eyes as she moves around her office. The gloves help to facilitate personal contact by inducing haptic feedback where necessary and help the biocam to accurately track movements such that participants can easily manipulate other objects projected into the virtual 3D scene. VR has been around for over 30 years, and the experience can still be flaky at times, but it beats wasting hours on daily commutes, plus it saves a lot of energy - with the biosphere going to hell and whatnot. Ana's job as a data integrator consists of figuring out which pieces of additional information can help Metadapt make the right choices in governing AI, and also implementing the interfaces between different data sources. Sure, there are ongoing efforts to facilitate the automatic, need-driven data exchange between the countless AI systems governing every aspect of the computerized world - like they've implemented between Canada, the US and Mexico, but a global solution is still impeded by slow-moving political and social structures.Plus a fairly unique event such the Olympics still requires significant human intervention. The meeting starts, and as one participant struggles with the automatic volume adjustment of his mic ('how have they still not solved this problem!', Ana thinks), the other two start discussing the topic at hand. Metadapt is listening in on the conversation to capture those details, which it recognizes as containing new information. This allows Ana to later formalize the conversation and guide Metadapt in synthesizing the necessary interfaces. As the meeting ends, Lucio preemptively checks if any of Ana's friends happen to be in the area for lunch today. He prepares a few suggestions for the time and location for lunch, based on the daily offers publicized by nearby eateries, how busy they are, as well as Ana's current dietary needs and preferences. Ana finalizes the formal interface specification connecting Metadapt to Publitrans' data endpoints by applying necessary corrective measures and as she gets ready to leave, Metadapt is already scanning Publitrans' historical data relevant to improving traffic flow in the coming year.
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