
The Electroporation as a Tool for Studying the Role of Plasma Membrane in the Mechanism of Cytotoxicity of Bisphosphonates and Menadione

The Journal of Membrane Biology(2016)

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In this study, the role of the cell plasma membrane as a barrier in the mechanism of the cytotoxicity of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates and menadione was studied, and the possibility of increasing the efficiency of bisphosphonates and menadione (vitamin K 3 ) as chemotherapeutic agents by permeabilizing the cell plasma membrane has been investigated in vitro. The plasma membrane barrier was reduced by electropermeabilization with the pulse of strong electric field. Two membrane-impermeant bisphosphonates with different hydrophilicities were chosen as study objects: ibandronate and pamidronate. For the comparison, an amphiphilic vitamin K 3 , which is able to cross the cell membrane, was studied as well. The impact of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates and vitamin K 3 on MH-22A cells viability was evaluated for the case of long (9 days) and short (20 min) exposure. When cells were cultured in the medium with vitamin K 3 for 9–10 days, it exhibited toxicity of 50 % over the control at 6.2 µM for mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells. Ibandronate and pamidronate were capable of reducing drastically the cell viability only in the case of long 9-days incubation and at high concentrations (~20 µM for pamidronate and over 100 µM for ibandronate). Single, square-wave electric pulse with the duration of 100 µs and the field strength of 2 kV/cm was used to electroporate mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells in vitro. The results obtained here showed that the combination of the exposure of cells to membrane-impermeable bisphosphonates pamidronate and ibandronate with electropermeabilization of the cell plasma membrane did not increase their cytotoxicity. In the case of membrane-permeable vitamin K 3 , cell electropermeabilization did increase vitamin K 3 killing efficiency. However, this increase was not substantial, within the range of 20–30 % depending on the duration of the exposure. Electropermeabilization improved cytotoxic effect of vitamin K 3 but not of pamidronate and ibandronate.
Electrochemotherapy,Electropermeabilization,Ibandronate,Pamidronate,Vitamin K3
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