
A Constructive Approach to Regularity of Lagrangian Trajectories for Incompressible Euler Flow in A Bounded Domain

Communications in mathematical physics/Communications in Mathematical Physics(2017)

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The 3D incompressible Euler equations are an important research topic in the mathematical study of fluid dynamics. Not only is the global regularity for smooth initial data an open issue, but the behaviour may also depend on the presence or absence of boundaries. For a good understanding, it is crucial to carry out, besides mathematical studies, high-accuracy and well-resolved numerical exploration. Such studies can be very demanding in computational resources, but recently it has been shown that very substantial gains can be achieved first, by using Cauchy’s Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equations and second, by taking advantage of analyticity results of the Lagrangian trajectories for flows whose initial vorticity is Hölder-continuous. The latter has been known for about 20 years (Serfati in J Math Pures Appl 74:95–104, 1995 ), but the combination of the two, which makes use of recursion relations among time-Taylor coefficients to obtain constructively the time-Taylor series of the Lagrangian map, has been achieved only recently (Frisch and Zheligovsky in Commun Math Phys 326:499–505, 2014 ; Podvigina et al. in J Comput Phys 306:320–342, 2016 and references therein). Here we extend this methodology to incompressible Euler flow in an impermeable bounded domain whose boundary may be either analytic or have a regularity between indefinite differentiability and analyticity. Non-constructive regularity results for these cases have already been obtained by Glass et al. (Ann Sci Éc Norm Sup 45:1–51, 2012 ). Using the invariance of the boundary under the Lagrangian flow, we establish novel recursion relations that include contributions from the boundary. This leads to a constructive proof of time-analyticity of the Lagrangian trajectories with analytic boundaries, which can then be used subsequently for the design of a very high-order Cauchy–Lagrangian method.
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