Case-Based Model for Evaluating Coal Resources Mining Rights Under Mahalanobis Distance

Shaohui Zou, Meiqi Zhang, Fuyao Xin

Wireless Personal Communications(2018)

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Coal resources still play a significant role in the evolution of China’s energy structure in the long term. A set of scientific and reasonable evaluation models for coal resources mining rights (CRMR) is the guarantee to optimally develop and utilize Chinese coal resources. Artificial intelligence technology can increase the accuracy and efficiency of asset evaluation. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is the important component of artificial intelligence technology. Case similarity is critical to the CBR. Mahalanobis distance formula can describe properly case similarity when attribute strength function is unknown. Firstly, this paper reveals the mechanism of evaluating CRMR, and defines some important concepts such as attribute index, attribute strength function, underlying asset, case assets, and case similarity; secondly, a case-based model and a real option model for evaluating CRMR were set up. In addition, a real case of CRMR was used to study the application of case-based model and a real option model for evaluating CRMR. Comparing the differences among real option model for evaluating CRMR, the real option model, and net present value model, the results indicate that the price got by using the case-based model for evaluating CRMR is very close to the final bargain price, and case-based model for evaluating CRMR can raise the accuracy of CRMR evaluation.
Coal resources mining rights,Case-based reasoning,Real option,Artificial intelligence,Mahalanobis distance formula
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