On the Distance Identifying Set Meta-problem and Applications to the Complexity of Identifying Problems on Graphs


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Numerous problems consisting in identifying vertices in graphs using distances are useful in domains such as network verification and graph isomorphism. Unifying them into a meta-problem may be of main interest. We introduce here a promising solution named Distance Identifying Set . The model contains Identifying Code ( IC ), Locating Dominating Set ( LD ) and their generalizations r - IC and r - LD where the closed neighborhood is considered up to distance r . It also contains Metric Dimension ( MD ) and its refinement r - MD in which the distance between two vertices is considered as infinite if the real distance exceeds r . Note that while IC = 1- IC and LD = 1- LD , we have MD = ∞ - MD ; we say that MD is not local . In this article, we prove computational lower bounds for several problems included in Distance Identifying Set by providing generic reductions from (Planar) Hitting Set to the meta-problem. We focus on two families of problems from the meta-problem: the first one, called local , contains r - IC , r - LD and r - MD for each positive integer r while the second one, called 1-layered , contains LD , MD and r - MD for each positive integer r . We have: (1) the 1-layered problems are NP-hard even in bipartite apex graphs, (2) the local problems are NP-hard even in bipartite planar graphs, (3) assuming ETH, all these problems cannot be solved in 2^o(√(n)) when restricted to bipartite planar or apex graph, respectively, and they cannot be solved in 2^o(n) on bipartite graphs, and (4) except if 𝖶[0] = 𝖶[2] , they do not admit parameterized algorithms in 2^𝒪(k)· n^𝒪(1) even when restricted to bipartite graphs. Here k is the solution size of a relevant identifying set. In particular, Metric Dimension cannot be solved in 2^o(n) under ETH, answering a question of Hartung and Nichterlein (Proceedings of the 28th conference on computational complexity, CCC, 2013).
Identifying code,Resolving set,Metric dimension,Distance identifying set,Parameterized complexity,W-hierarchy,Meta-problem,Hitting set
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