Finding Solutions to Generative Adversarial Privacy.

arXiv: Learning(2018)

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We present heuristics for solving the maximin problem induced by the generative adversarial privacy setting for linear and convolutional neural network (CNN) adversaries. In the linear adversary setting, we present a greedy algorithm for approximating the optimal solution for the privatizer, which performs better as the number of instances increases. We also provide an analysis of the algorithm to show that it not only removes the features most correlated with the private label first, but also preserves the prediction accuracy of public labels that are sufficiently independent of the features that are relevant to the private label. In the CNN adversary setting, we present a method of hiding selected information from the adversary while preserving the others through alternately optimizing the goals of the privatizer and the adversary using neural network backpropagation. We experimentally show that our method succeeds on a fixed adversary.
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