Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization via Active Scene Illumination.

IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops(2018)

引用 12|浏览14
Traditional camera-based indoor localization systems use visual information to resolve the position of an object or person. This approach, however, may not be acceptable in privacy-sensitive scenarios since high-resolution images may reveal room and occupant details to eavesdroppers. In this paper, we address privacy concerns by replacing cameras with a small network of extremely low resolution color sensors. To make the system robust to ambient lighting fluctuations, we modulate an array of LED light sources to actively control the illumination while recording the light received by the sensors. We quantitatively validate the performance of our localization approach through simulations and real testbed experiments. We quantify the impact of sensor noise and changes in ambient illumination on localization accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the superior performance of localization via active illumination compared to passive illumination where LEDs produce constant light.
active scene illumination,privacy-sensitive scenarios,extremely low resolution color sensors,ambient lighting fluctuations,sensor noise,passive illumination,high-resolution imaging,privacy-preserving indoor localization approach,camera-based indoor localization systems,LED light source array
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