
Applying Multichannel Optogenetic System for Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation in Rats.

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference(2018)

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This study reports on the technique of applying multichannel optogenetic system to spinal cord stimulation in rats. Epidural spinal cord stimulation has been shown to reactivate spinalized hind limb motion; however, the stimulating parameters and detailed mechanism remain unclear. In order to utilize the high spatial resolution and cell type selectivity of optogenetics for studying the mechanism behind epidural spinal cord stimulation, a multichannel optical fiber bundle was designed, composed of 720 optical fibers of 200 μm diameter arranged in a 48×15 matrix cover the vertebral columns of rats from level T13 to L2. The stimulating location was controlled by changing the direction of projection of a laser diode, and the appropriate projecting angle to obtain the maximum optical power output of each fiber was determined by a hill-climbing algorithm. A spinal cord window was developed to fit the head of the optical fiber bundle onto the dorsal part of rat spinal cord. Preliminary test in a rat revealed different stimulating area distribution of the optogenetically induced tibialis anterior (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle reactions and demonstrated the capability of the system for in-vivo study.
Animals,Electric Stimulation,Epidural Space,Hindlimb,Optogenetics,Rats,Spinal Cord,Spinal Cord Stimulation
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